Why was TQM invented?

Total Quality Management (TQM) wasn’t invented at a specific moment or by a single individual; rather, it evolved as a response to the need for improved quality and efficiency in various industries. TQM originated in the mid-20th century and gained prominence particularly in the 1980s and 1990s.

The roots of TQM can be traced back to the quality control methods developed in manufacturing during the early 20th century. The increased complexity of industrial processes and the desire for higher quality products led to the development of systematic approaches to quality management.

TQM, as a comprehensive management philosophy, emerged as a way to address the limitations of traditional quality control methods. It was shaped by contributions from management thinkers and quality experts like W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and others who emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to quality, involving all levels of an organization.

The primary goals of TQM include improving customer satisfaction, enhancing processes, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. TQM became particularly popular in industries facing global competition, where organizations recognized the need to go beyond inspection-based quality control and focus on prevention and continuous enhancement.

In essence, TQM was not “invented” as a single event but rather developed as a response to the evolving needs of industries seeking better ways to ensure and manage quality in their products and services.

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